Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Me: So what are your views on prejudice and discrimination?

Friend: What do you mean by that?

Me: I mean to ask about how you feel about racial discrimination and prejudice based on appearance.

Friend: Well, I don't think it's right to be biased against someone just because of their skin colour or outward looks.

Me: How do you feel about how the African Americans were treated during the 1930s?

Friend: I don't believe in the "white supremacy" thing. After all, everyone is still human and character is always more important.

Me: So you don't think that it was fair for the blacks?

Friend: No, it wasn't fair at all. They were only considered to be two thirds of a human being, this is obviously not true. All men are created equal.

Me: So how do you feel about the trial of  Tom Robinson in the book 'To Kill A Mockingbird"?

Friend: The trial was extremely biased, the entire jury was made up of white people who would vote in favour of whites anytime.

Me: Then how do you feel about the parallel case, the Scottsboro boys trials?

Friend: That was also unfair, there was no evidence to support that they were guilty, in fact, there was evidence that they were not guilty. Yet, they were falsely accused and charged with rape.

Me: Okay. Then how do you feel about prejudice against people who are feared because not much is known about them? Basically, fear of the unknown.

Friend: I don't think one should judge a book by it's cover and discriminate against a person they do not know.

Me: How about the behavior of the residents of Maycomb towards Arthur "Boo" Radley?

Friend: I think it's really immature of them to just spread rumours about him just because they do not know him well.

Me: Okay, and how about the rumours about Mrs Dubose?

Friend: They are also not true and spread a bad image about her

Me: Okay, thank you for your honest opinions in this interview.

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