Sunday, March 7, 2010

Changes to the blog

To be honest, I didn't think that the expectations on a student's blog would be so high. I used to think that my blog posts were fairly long, as they spanned an entire page. That was until I saw the posts from another class where you could scroll down until the cows came home and still be on the first paragraph. So... I was also in shock and awe at the other people who somehow managed to write a few thousand words about multiple intelligences and even more about a day at CCA. These are the kind of people who would be able to make a hundred and one observations about a burning candle and a hundred and two about one extinguished, an important life skill known as the "ability to use extemporaneous language which may be excessive to some extent though keeping a certain level of adherence to the topic of interest" (I was going to write bullshitting but that's not a nice word). But jokes aside, I've really been thinking on another standard here, so maybe I should increase my word count for my blog posts(what happened to short and sweet?). Anyways, back to the point, these are the changes I have made to my blog.

1. Change of the blog itself 

Unfortunately, I have forgotten the password of last year's blog. I have tried every conceivable combination and every password I ever used. To no avail. So, no use crying over spilled milk right? I have created another blog titled, which I feel is cuter than the previous name, So I took this as an opportunity to start anew, with a completely new blog. New layout, new content, new everything I guess... By the way, i designed a profile picture for my previous blog:
You probably didn't think I meant gremlins on fire literally

2. New layout

As mentioned above, I've completely redone my blog scheme. It may look slightly dull, but I don't really know how to use the custom made schemes. I will be livening it up a bit in the next few weeks. The words contrast well with the background colour, so it should be no problem at all to read my blog. But then again, I don't really like the dark blue colours. In fact, I've just changed my blog colour scheme to something more colourful and cheerful, like light
blue on a green background. There's a theory that you should look at greenery after being at the computer for some time, so why not make the blog green and kill two (mocking)birds with one stone? Yeah, and I added some new "gadgets" too

3.New gadgets

I've added and taken away some gadgets from my blog. In case you do not know, gadgets are the so-called "apps" on the (normally) right side of the blog. I've added a message box called cbox so that people can post constructive comments on my blog. On the other hand, the posters are allowed complete and total anonymity, allowing them to post somewhat offensive comments such as "aah nerd topics my eyes burn". This, however, is also feedback, so I should de-nerd my topics so no one gets burnt eyes because of me. I removed a gadget which displays a joke everyday because the jokes were all extremely immature and offensive. I also got a hit counter, which displays the number of people who visit my blog. The current number is 22, not very encouraging. But it's a good way of tracking the number of hits, so I can see how popular the blog gets. (wonder if i get extra points if my blog becomes a celebrity blog).

4. New content

I've kind of changed my writing style in blogging (if you think it's boring now you should have seen last year's blog). I try to maintain a level of formality at all times (sometimes unsuccessfully) while at the same time keeping it interesting (not that successful either). I also try my best to write proper English, though in order to not be called a nerd, I have to include some slang into my writing. It's alot harder than it looks!

5. New everything I guess...

Well, considering that this is a new blog, I can't deny that everything is new. From layout to gadgets, there is nothing that has been kept the same save the hit counter. There is an element of fun to designing a blog, and although I don't think so much effort should be put into something like this, the fact that someone actually reads your work helps your ego. Thank you if you have read everything until now, and if all you did was skip until this point, you've missed out on a lot so go back up and read it again.

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