Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Why do I torture myself like this?

By now, you should be beginning to wonder why I do something like blogging when it causes so much pain to me. Woe is me that I have to write a blog, It's like a diary, or a log, on the web. But I think it's closer to a log than a diary, because if the inventor of blogs wanted them to be privacy-free diaries, I would be writing in a bdiary now. As I attempt in futile hopelessness to write something good right about now, I fail miserably, yet I succeed because people enjoy comparing their crappy lives to other people's crappier lives for some strange reason. Why else would people read blogs? For fun? Get real. I'm sleepy, tired and my needle-sharp memory has just gone through a major lag (Did I mention I was sleepy?). Well anyway I just noticed how far I've digressed from the original topic. Didn't the thirteenth amendment say something about banning slavery or forcing people to work (Unless blogging is considered community work of course)? Oh wait, thaaaat's right, this isn't America, is it? So I'm going to sleep now and you have just wasted 30 seconds of your life by reading this. I hereby award you with the prestigious "no life" badge, given only to a special few. Remember to become a follower because then you can get another highly sought after award. Goodnight.

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