Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Hello everybody. I may sound cheerful but in reality I'm rotting away in my chair. So anyway, this is my second blog (cue the drum roll), which makes me sound like a pro, but I'm not, because the only reason I set up this second blog is because I forgot the stupid google email address thingie and my teacher wants the entire class to get a blog, so to alllllll the people who have nothing better to do with their lives other than read blogs made by other bored people, I suggest you should do something more meaningful, like teaching a monkey to climb or a fish to swim. I type slower than a monkey (like the one million monkeys at typewriters who randomly smash on the keyboard for hundreds of years, except that there's only one monkey, keyboards replace typewriters, I only have one night to randomly smash and I have no intention of typing down the entire works of Shakespeare)* so don't expect many posts. On the plus side, I'm allowed to be as sarcastic as I want on this website so let's all shout hooray and jump for joy. If, for some reason, you have not understood any of the sarcasm in my statements, I suggest you go down to the nearest book store, purchase the book: "Common sense for idiots", and take a good long read beside a fireplace while heaving sighs of contentment. But seriously, don't do that. I was being sarcastic.

*it's completely understandable if you don't understand the monkey part. Here's the link if you want: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Infinite_monkey_theorem. The infinite monkey theory... that sure sounds strange...

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