Thursday, January 21, 2010

Bad things come in fours?

I think I'm beginning to go overboard with this "freedom of speech" thing. But it's a stage all bloggers go through so I won't bother with it (I feel the power raging inside me because no one will ever know who I am, Muhahahahahahahahhaha). So... On to the main topic... ._. (where are the stupid emoticons when you need them?). *ahem* It was a dark and stormy night when I clicked on the "next blog" link cos' I was ultra bored. All of a sudden, the computer screen flashed and I was instantly teleported to a new blog. As I attempted to explore this mysterious new territory, something caught my attention. Making sure not to startle the strange object, I crept slowly towards it, trying my best to stay hidden in the shadows. But it's acute senses found me out and I was only able to catch a glimpse of it before the elusive rarity disappeared (you can stop humming the jaws theme music now). The first time I had seen something so beautiful, yet so dangerous... "KNITTING!!!!!!". Haha, that was interesting wasn't it? Aaanyway, I found a blog about knitting and had no interest in it whatsoever. So I skipped it and pressed the button again. To my extreme surprise, it was about knitting again. So I laughed it off and blamed it on coincidence, pressing the button again. And once again, knitting had followed me to the next blog, and I slapped my forehead. GO AWAY KNITTING!!! Then I pressed the button again and (let's say it together) "knitting!? What on Earth is going on here?" So now I'm completely convinced that the number 4 is evil. Forget Friday the thirteenth, just include Thursday the fourth into your calender so it doesn't take you by surprise. I have yet to find other evidences that 4 is cursed, other than the fact that if you break four mirrors you'll get 28 years of bad luck (speaking of which, if breaking a mirror is bad luck, shouldn't making a mirror be good luck? Therefore glass companies are the luckiest places on Earth where leprechauns have tea-breaks and plant four-leaf clovers? And all the employees win the lottery and have a unicorn to escort them back home everyday?), and that four idiots are four times as stupid. Meanwhile I shall try and find out why there are so many blogs about knitting but so few on games.
(Finish the sentence: A lion wouldn't cheat on his wife,.....
Ans: But a Tiger Wood)

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Why do I torture myself like this?

By now, you should be beginning to wonder why I do something like blogging when it causes so much pain to me. Woe is me that I have to write a blog, It's like a diary, or a log, on the web. But I think it's closer to a log than a diary, because if the inventor of blogs wanted them to be privacy-free diaries, I would be writing in a bdiary now. As I attempt in futile hopelessness to write something good right about now, I fail miserably, yet I succeed because people enjoy comparing their crappy lives to other people's crappier lives for some strange reason. Why else would people read blogs? For fun? Get real. I'm sleepy, tired and my needle-sharp memory has just gone through a major lag (Did I mention I was sleepy?). Well anyway I just noticed how far I've digressed from the original topic. Didn't the thirteenth amendment say something about banning slavery or forcing people to work (Unless blogging is considered community work of course)? Oh wait, thaaaat's right, this isn't America, is it? So I'm going to sleep now and you have just wasted 30 seconds of your life by reading this. I hereby award you with the prestigious "no life" badge, given only to a special few. Remember to become a follower because then you can get another highly sought after award. Goodnight.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Hello everybody. I may sound cheerful but in reality I'm rotting away in my chair. So anyway, this is my second blog (cue the drum roll), which makes me sound like a pro, but I'm not, because the only reason I set up this second blog is because I forgot the stupid google email address thingie and my teacher wants the entire class to get a blog, so to alllllll the people who have nothing better to do with their lives other than read blogs made by other bored people, I suggest you should do something more meaningful, like teaching a monkey to climb or a fish to swim. I type slower than a monkey (like the one million monkeys at typewriters who randomly smash on the keyboard for hundreds of years, except that there's only one monkey, keyboards replace typewriters, I only have one night to randomly smash and I have no intention of typing down the entire works of Shakespeare)* so don't expect many posts. On the plus side, I'm allowed to be as sarcastic as I want on this website so let's all shout hooray and jump for joy. If, for some reason, you have not understood any of the sarcasm in my statements, I suggest you go down to the nearest book store, purchase the book: "Common sense for idiots", and take a good long read beside a fireplace while heaving sighs of contentment. But seriously, don't do that. I was being sarcastic.

*it's completely understandable if you don't understand the monkey part. Here's the link if you want: The infinite monkey theory... that sure sounds strange...