Sunday, August 8, 2010

Evolutionary failures 1

I am a creationist, if you did not know. I can debate against evolution because I discovered a website which made me realize all of evolution's flaws. As an avid creationist, I can prove that evolution is not a valid explanation for life.

1. Origins

Starting from the beginning, we have already found a problem. Although it seems that the evolutionary proposition of primordial soup spawning life, this has been proven to not work at all. The experiment was very controlled, and did not accurately represent the real state of primordial Earth. And the only amino acids produced were very common and insignificant ones. The rest of the product was just formic acid, the chemical that makes ant bites painful. So this definitely could not have started life, it is not feasible. In fact, evolutionists are offering $1,000,000 to anyone who can suggest a feasible solution.

Oxygen is crucial for our survival now, but this was not the case last time. Oxygen tends to destroy long chains of molecules, which are the basis of cellular life. O2 is actually lethal to life. In our case, our bodies have already incorporated oxygen into our respiration, and cells have protection that does not allow oxygen to destroy the long chains of molecules. So, if life in the beginning had to begin without oxygen, how would it have formed in an environment which definitely had oxygen present? that is a very good question.

UV rays have two categories, good and bad. Good ones are completely neccessary for the formation of long chains of molecules. Bad rays destroy these chains. Unfortunately for evolution, bad UV rays account for about 99% of the rays that reach Earth. In order for evolution to work, the molecules must have somehow been exposed to only the precious 1% of UV rays. This is incredibly unlikely, so we can tell that this part of evolution has failed as well.

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