Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Evolutionary failures 3

Final installment of the series, more on evolution

3. Proof of failed evolution

There is evidence from the ground that evolution is false, or at least evolutionary time. Carbon-14 is used for radioactive dating. Its half-life(time it takes for half of it to decay) is 5730 years. This means that it can only be used to date things that are 60,000 years and below (after the 10th half-life, there is no more carbon-14 to test). So, everything containing Carbon-14 should be less than 60,000 years old. However, every single source of oil in the world has been found to contain. Oil is supposedly created via anaerobic decay of million-of-years old fossils (hence fossil fuels), these should be more than 60,000 years old. So, by the reasoning that only 60,000 years and younger things contain Carbon-14, Oil is less than 60,000 years old, and so are dinosaurs.

One more problem is how continents still stand. Water covers 70% of Earth, it also erodes away land. The land currently available on Earth is not constant and decreases over time. At the current rate of erosion, the entire area of land known to man would have eroded away in a few hundred million years. The evolutionary time scale is a few billion years, so there should not be any land here at all. Why is there land? Because something is wrong with evolution

Monday, August 9, 2010

Evolutionary failures 2

Next about this topic, more problems with the theory

2. Progress

One tendancy of the universe is that it degenerates, and does not increase in complexity. As time passes by, things decay and go generally downwards instead of upwards. This trend is true with life. Evolution requires new information, as a man obviously is more complicated than an amoeba. As information is passed down in genetics, nothing passed down can possibly be new. Therefore the only way life can progress is if mutations can increase the complexity of life. But think about it. Mutation is a bad thing. Mutated things are degenerated, not more complex. Mutations are mistakes and mutated creatures tend to be deformed. So far there has been no record of a complexity-increasing mutation.

Problems with current examples of evolution. One very famous example and proof of evolution is how some beetles were put on a windy island. Because the wind blew away the beetles that had wings more than mutated beetles which did not have wings, eventually the wingless beetles became the dominant species of the island as they did not get blown away so often. Now, is this evolution? No. Why? Because evolution requires progress and more information. Beetles losing their wings is a decrease rather than increase of information. This kind of adaptation is natural selection and not really evolution.

The illustration of a mousetrap is used to explain "irreducible complexity". Picture this. A mousetrap consists of a base, spring, catch, etc. If any of these parts are not present, the mousetrap will not work. A trap without bait will not catch mice, neither will a semi-evolved creature be able to survive. The problem with evolution is the "intermediate stages" where the creatures are not fully formed, and are more disadvantaged than the original and so the evolutionary process will be broken

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Evolutionary failures 1

I am a creationist, if you did not know. I can debate against evolution because I discovered a website which made me realize all of evolution's flaws. As an avid creationist, I can prove that evolution is not a valid explanation for life.

1. Origins

Starting from the beginning, we have already found a problem. Although it seems that the evolutionary proposition of primordial soup spawning life, this has been proven to not work at all. The experiment was very controlled, and did not accurately represent the real state of primordial Earth. And the only amino acids produced were very common and insignificant ones. The rest of the product was just formic acid, the chemical that makes ant bites painful. So this definitely could not have started life, it is not feasible. In fact, evolutionists are offering $1,000,000 to anyone who can suggest a feasible solution.

Oxygen is crucial for our survival now, but this was not the case last time. Oxygen tends to destroy long chains of molecules, which are the basis of cellular life. O2 is actually lethal to life. In our case, our bodies have already incorporated oxygen into our respiration, and cells have protection that does not allow oxygen to destroy the long chains of molecules. So, if life in the beginning had to begin without oxygen, how would it have formed in an environment which definitely had oxygen present? that is a very good question.

UV rays have two categories, good and bad. Good ones are completely neccessary for the formation of long chains of molecules. Bad rays destroy these chains. Unfortunately for evolution, bad UV rays account for about 99% of the rays that reach Earth. In order for evolution to work, the molecules must have somehow been exposed to only the precious 1% of UV rays. This is incredibly unlikely, so we can tell that this part of evolution has failed as well.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Contemplation on humans

Sometimes I enjoy writing on slightly deeper topics, this time it will be about humans

Humans are idiots.

Case closed.

History has proven many times that humans are generally selfish, inhumane(ironically), power-hungry and generally stupid.

Before I get labeled as a hypocrite for insulting my own race, I would like to point out that humans are proud creatures who dilike criticism.

All the great people of history, people like Gandhi, Mother Teresa and whatnot, are those who recognized the flaws of humans and decided to change the world, overcoming problems with society and people in general.

Very nice and perfectly workable plans like communism are ruined by the greed of humans, and the flaw of power corrupting people so easily. Stalin ruined the communist Russia, for although productivity was high, which is a strong point of communism, people were completely disregarded by the government. How sad it was that everything was ruined by the flaws of human nature.

More about humans, we tend to trick ourselves into a box. Limitations. If you say something is impossible and believe it, it becomes impossible. Similarly, if you truly believe that you can do something, you will be able to do it. This probably sounds very corny but it is true.

Overall, the human race is more or less hopeless, and is degenerating. Fast. I cannot say that I am spotless, but now I have acknowleged my weaknesses, I can try to correct them.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Sabaticals: Day 1

Rule 1: Posts must maintain a level of neutrality, displaying no panic and/or personal feelings unless required or in brackets (yay)

Rule 2: I haven't really thought about rule 2, but it would probably go somewhere along the lines of not breaking rule 1

Rule 3: A joke in every post? The only reason I add rule 3 is because rules always come in 3s (or more).
Anyway, I will try to conduct my blogs like this because, it's more um... politically correct to not comment (racistly or prejudicedly. Wow. That's really bad English) on public platforms like blogs. So, back to the point, (one more thing to notice is how I tend to talk about something completely unrelated to the topic before actually starting. It's a way to decrease boringness and increase word count. muhahaha. PS: Go and read the "so back to the point" part again, if not the sentence will make no sense) this week is sabbatical week, good and bad in its own ways.

The most obvious point, would be that there is no need to continue with formal lesson (good), the next point is that we can learn something new (also good. By the way, sabbaticals are activities organized by the school to "supplement" learning. You get to choose what you want to learn for the next week, but you must bid for what you want with points so that one sabbatical isn't empty while the other is brimming with students). You also get the chance to earn extra credit points if you choose a specific sabbatical (definitely good). On the other hand, lost lesson time means lost study time and therefore lost preparation time for exams (Woe to the students in the elitist society of Singapore). Then there's also the question of efficiency, and whether a week is sufficient. Of course there's also the fact that I bid 299 points too many for my sabbatical (so wasted). My choice, was debate, and now to tell the story of my first day.

My problems started early in the day, when I lost my way and completely confused the venue of my sabbatical. I arrived 5 minutes late, which wasn't so bad because the instructors (sec 4s) started 10 minutes early. I was issued a "debate file" which was not really a file but a huge stack of papers. The first question was "what is debate?" to which I replied "It's dething you use to catch defish with", eliciting smiles from my peers and a "i'll give you 5 points for humor" from my senior. We then went on to explaining more and more about debating, its applications and usages (did i mention the air-con was broken, and that I fanned myself with the debate file?). Before long it was break time, and I took pride in the fact that I had actually learnt something.

During break, I learnt that one of my instructors was a peer-pressure immune, perfect English-speaking perfectionist, and the other also spoke Queen's English and was a Pokemon addict as well. I was shocked to see that they were watching debates on youtube, instead of funny videos and Japanese gameshows. They were something else...

Afterwards we were transferred over to an air-conditioned room *contented sigh* but soon realized that it was too cold to concentrate *brr...*. We were then subjected to a series of presentations (which normally would not be an issue, but I didn't sleep early the night before and almost dozed of in class on multiple occasions). Unfortunately the lights were turned off (i have difficulty concentrating in the dark) though my group still managed to come first in a mini-debate. We learned about logical arguments and invalid arguments (such as: God is Love;Love is blind = God is blind?) and how anything can be argued against (math argument:

a = b
a^2 = ba
a^2 - b^2 = ba - b^2
(a + b)(a - b) = b(a - b)
a+b = b
2 = 1? (if a = b = 1) 

try and figure this out

Then we were briefed on a topic to present on on Thursday, mine being "Do you support GM food?". I didn't think that debating would be fun, but in the wasn't. But hey, today's only the first day ;-p 

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Changes to the blog

To be honest, I didn't think that the expectations on a student's blog would be so high. I used to think that my blog posts were fairly long, as they spanned an entire page. That was until I saw the posts from another class where you could scroll down until the cows came home and still be on the first paragraph. So... I was also in shock and awe at the other people who somehow managed to write a few thousand words about multiple intelligences and even more about a day at CCA. These are the kind of people who would be able to make a hundred and one observations about a burning candle and a hundred and two about one extinguished, an important life skill known as the "ability to use extemporaneous language which may be excessive to some extent though keeping a certain level of adherence to the topic of interest" (I was going to write bullshitting but that's not a nice word). But jokes aside, I've really been thinking on another standard here, so maybe I should increase my word count for my blog posts(what happened to short and sweet?). Anyways, back to the point, these are the changes I have made to my blog.

1. Change of the blog itself 

Unfortunately, I have forgotten the password of last year's blog. I have tried every conceivable combination and every password I ever used. To no avail. So, no use crying over spilled milk right? I have created another blog titled, which I feel is cuter than the previous name, So I took this as an opportunity to start anew, with a completely new blog. New layout, new content, new everything I guess... By the way, i designed a profile picture for my previous blog:
You probably didn't think I meant gremlins on fire literally

2. New layout

As mentioned above, I've completely redone my blog scheme. It may look slightly dull, but I don't really know how to use the custom made schemes. I will be livening it up a bit in the next few weeks. The words contrast well with the background colour, so it should be no problem at all to read my blog. But then again, I don't really like the dark blue colours. In fact, I've just changed my blog colour scheme to something more colourful and cheerful, like light
blue on a green background. There's a theory that you should look at greenery after being at the computer for some time, so why not make the blog green and kill two (mocking)birds with one stone? Yeah, and I added some new "gadgets" too

3.New gadgets

I've added and taken away some gadgets from my blog. In case you do not know, gadgets are the so-called "apps" on the (normally) right side of the blog. I've added a message box called cbox so that people can post constructive comments on my blog. On the other hand, the posters are allowed complete and total anonymity, allowing them to post somewhat offensive comments such as "aah nerd topics my eyes burn". This, however, is also feedback, so I should de-nerd my topics so no one gets burnt eyes because of me. I removed a gadget which displays a joke everyday because the jokes were all extremely immature and offensive. I also got a hit counter, which displays the number of people who visit my blog. The current number is 22, not very encouraging. But it's a good way of tracking the number of hits, so I can see how popular the blog gets. (wonder if i get extra points if my blog becomes a celebrity blog).

4. New content

I've kind of changed my writing style in blogging (if you think it's boring now you should have seen last year's blog). I try to maintain a level of formality at all times (sometimes unsuccessfully) while at the same time keeping it interesting (not that successful either). I also try my best to write proper English, though in order to not be called a nerd, I have to include some slang into my writing. It's alot harder than it looks!

5. New everything I guess...

Well, considering that this is a new blog, I can't deny that everything is new. From layout to gadgets, there is nothing that has been kept the same save the hit counter. There is an element of fun to designing a blog, and although I don't think so much effort should be put into something like this, the fact that someone actually reads your work helps your ego. Thank you if you have read everything until now, and if all you did was skip until this point, you've missed out on a lot so go back up and read it again.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Holiday woes - How do they work

The holidays began simply enough, going off with a bang when the bell rung. I felt like I had finally been released from the shackles of school. The top of my to-do list was, without a doubt, computer games. It was simply wonderful to feel all the exam stress melt away. And away. And away. And away. Before long, life was boring. Never mind the talks given before the holidays about how we should spend time productively, of course it isn't possible to be 100% active throughout the holidays. That's what school is for. The kind of boredom you experience during holidays is of a special kind. You want to do something, at the same time you don't, and would instead prefer to laze the day away. Then before you know it, the holidays end and life returns to normal. Ah, the woes of a holiday is that the minutes stretch but the days fly by, that's the irony of a holiday. Okay. Now that I've cleaned all the emoness out of me, I'll just enjoy my holiday, or what's left of it :)